Tag Archives: facebook

The “Places” Facebook Feature

Personal privacy is something that’s becoming more and more scarce on the internet. Social networking sites encourage complete disclosure from participants, who blindly and willingly put their entire lives on display for their friends list.

Facebook, obviously one of the most popular social networking sites, has become an addiction for many; a day without a status update is not a day worth living for. Entire photo shoots are dedicated to a new profile picture, and god forbid a Wall go without maintenance.

The youth of today, Generation Y, or the Echo Boomers, are associated with an innate ability to manipulate technology. Our parents ask for help with their cell phones, we’re supposed to be able to fix the unstable internet connection, and I guess we were just born knowing HTML, right? Yeah we’re good at it, but we need to get off of it sometimes.

Technology is change, and change is progress, and progress is good. But things are being taken too far, if you ask me. Facebook is turning into Stalkbook. Not only are my friends posting their most insignificant, mundane activities, but they are telling everyone exactly where they are with the new Places feature. My question is: who cares? If you’re at Safeway, awesome. But do I need to know that? No. No one needs to know that. Why is there the need to tell everyone your exact movements on a day-to-day basis? Is it approval we’re after?

It’s a complete paradox: there’s a constant panic concerning identity theft and information security, but at the same time, people will literally post everything and anything onto their profiles. It doesn’t make sense.

Technology is an invaluable tool, but it will take over if we hand ourselves over to it.

This post is under Books, because I think it’s scary and disappointing how people insist upon putting their entire lives on the internet for people to “like.”